Friday, March 2, 2012

Accreditation Visit and Invitation to Parents and new Online Suggestion Box

At the Director's Coffee Morning on Wednesday, February 29, there were two parents and the discussion was mainly informational about the upcoming visit from two of CAISL's accrediting agencies--the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the Council of International Schools (CIS). 

NEASC/CIS Accreditation Visiting Team--invitation to parents.
CAISL will have its 10-year visit by a team consisting of professional educators from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and the Council of International Schools (CIS) from 24 through 30 March.   This is part of the on-going process of school improvement and validation of programs and activities which is so important to ensure that a school continues to strive for and achieve the highest levels of excellence. 

There are two events related to this Accreditation Visit which are of particular interest to parents. 

On Sunday, March 25, from 16:00 to 18:00, CAISL will host a reception for the entire school community in the Snack Bar.  This is an informal "meet and greet" to welcome the team.  All parents are invited to attend but it is vital that you RSVP to no later than Monday, March 19.

On Tuesday, March 27, from 08h45 to 10h00, the Visiting Team would like to meet informally with parents in a roundtable discussion.   There is no need to RSVP for this event which would have the format of an "open forum" although in this case it is likely to be the Visiting Team asking the questions of the parents.  This meeting will be held in the small classroom outside the gymnasium.

After the team has left, they will finish the report they must write to their respective governance boards and subsequently, probably over the summer or early next school year, we will get a detailed report which will give commendations for things we are doing well and make recommendations for areas we can improve. 

I look forward to many of you meeting with the Visiting Team.

Online "Suggestion Box"    CAISL values the opinion of each member of our community and wishes to hear from you and to answer your questions, to work with you to solve any problems which might arise, and to know what you are thinking. 

With that in mind, we are creating yet another way for you to provide us with input.  Dialog and discussion are always the most effective way to resolve issues of concern or to bring suggestions for improvement to our attention.  However, recognizing that some may prefer another vehicle to do this, we now offer the "online suggestion box." 

The CAISL Senior Management Team (Blannie, Katie, Nate, and Mark) and CAISL's Community Relations Coordinator (Maria) will read the comments.  You may choose not to give your name and, in which case, you may be assured that your input is anonymous and even those of us with passwords are not able to determine who submitted the survey answers. 

Please understand that, because it is impossible to enter into dialogue to gain complete understanding, anonymous comments may not always receive the attention they may deserve. 

The link to the survey is on the home page of the CAISL web site.

Blannie Curtis