Friday, August 31, 2012

Welcome to a New School Year

Dear CAISL Community,
Welcome to a New School Year.  It was wonderful to welcome our new students and their families at yesterday’s New Family Orientation and to see again after the summer break so many of our returning families.  
Last year I started a “blog” in which I commented and reflected on happenings at school that I thought would be of interest to you.  I will continue that this year and hope you will post responses or questions in the “comment” section of the blog.  When a question is posted, I will respond although I may wait a while to post a response to see if others post related questions.   
You can sign up on the blog to be notified whenever a new comment (by me or others) is posted.   If you have suggestions for topics you would like to see me address, please post your suggestion or email it to me.  I do not promise to post a new blog on any rigid regular schedule but plan to do so 3 or 4 times each semester.   The link to the blog on the home page of the web site will always be to the current version.
As always, however, there are some parameters within which this blog will operate. If you have a question or concern which directly relates to your own child, other children, a specific teacher or other CAISL employee, you will need to address that privately with the person most able to respond--the teacher or other employee first, then the Principal (or Business Manager or other direct supervisor if the employee is not a teacher). Please do not comment on individuals in this blog. 
There is also an “online suggestion box” (linked from the web site) on which you can provide your insights and suggestions in a private manner.  
However—this blog and the online suggestion box are only provided as additional means—not the primary means--of communication.   The primary communication should be person-to-person dialog.  A conversation is always the best way to get a question answered or to resolve a concern.

Last year I began holding monthly “Coffee Mornings” which were informal “question and answer” sessions.  Some had pre-set agendas, derived from the topics which were most posted on the blog and some were “open” sessions with no agenda.  These were held in the morning on campus.  I will continue with the “Coffee Mornings” although also plan to relinquish some months to Katie and Nate who wish to begin holding their own Open Forum sessions. 
Additionally, the Board of Trustees holds two Open Forum sessions for parents, in the evenings, one during 1st semester and one during 2nd semester.  There are no pre-set agendas for these.   The Trustees will continue with their two sessions during the year. 
All of these will be announced via the Friday newsletters as well as posted on this blog and on the web calendar.  I hope to see you at these.  If there are topics you would like to see addressed—by me or others—please post a comment/question or email me directly.

As you have already read in the Elementary and Secondary pre-school opening newsletters, as of the first day of school, Monday, September 3, the parking lot to the side of the Secondary Building will be open for parent and staff use.
Please read and follow carefully the instructions at these links:

NEXT BLOG:        Wednesday, September 5.