Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Next Director's Coffee Morning: Thursday, May 3, 08h45 to 10h00

Now that the Visiting Team for Accreditation has departed and we are back from a well-earned spring break, let’s get back on a once-per-month schedule of “Coffee Mornings.”   The next one is scheduled for Thursday, May 3, at 08h45.
The comments section of this blog is open for posting comments, questions, and/or suggestions for agenda items for May 3.  Please let me know what you want to be discussed or what you want to know more about or what questions you have. 
In the meantime, I hope that each of you will be able to come to the “Speaker Series” the evening of Thursday, April 26, at 19h00.  An area of interest to all of us, I’m sure, and one I have spent a considerable about of time researching—as a teacher and school administrator and for my High School class in Psychology this year—is how we help students become successful.   What are the skills they need, what are the attitudes and habits they need which will provide them the means to achieve success—academic success, personal success, career success.   Is one’s IQ a determiner of success?   What is the impact of effort and perseverance?   What role does patience play?     Feel free to bring friends who are not part of the CAISL community. 
I look forward to seeing you at, hopefully, both events. 